
6. Six years old you walked me to school and that’s the last I saw of a free walking you. Who knew the clouds of grey were hidden behind that sky so blue. Fast forward 14 years and daddy I still miss you. My heart gets heavy when I see girls with their daddies and I sit here without you. Behind bars because your rights were things you never knew and mass incarceration keeps putting our men behind bars, this ain’t something new. They took you with no proof as if the next minority was due, mama told you stop hanging out with that stupid little crew. papi why couldn’t you listen? I know it’s all you knew but you’re a good man why couldn’t you just pull through ? Now your in for crimes that we know you’d never do, behind bars without proof just a “ he say, she say” stew. My daddy was a good man and my family deserved him out, blaming him for things they don’t even have proof about. But what does it matter because he’s not white ? when you’re a minority you don’t have any right.

– Daddy I miss you.

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